I threw it all away, My Clothes of course.

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At some point in your crossdressing journey, you will undoubtedly question what you are doing or y. You may question if it is worth going through all of this just to wear women’s clothes. It’s understandable that feeling depressed can make you want to throw out your crossdressing clothes and walk away from the whole process. Crossdressing is often an important part of your identity. When you’re feeling down, it can be easy to feel like you don’t deserve to dress in a way that makes you happy.

It’s important to remember that crossdressing can be a healthy and positive coping mechanism to get through the daily grind of life for many people. It can help you to express yourself, feel more confident, and connect with your feminine side.

Think before you act.

If you’re feeling tempted to throw out your crossdressing clothes, here are a few things to consider:

  • What is causing your depression? Is it related to your crossdressing, or are there other factors in your life that are contributing to your mood?
  • What are the benefits of crossdressing for you? Does it make you feel more confident, happy, or connected to your feminine side?
  • What are the risks of throwing out your clothes? Will you miss the ability to express yourself in this way? Will you feel more restricted and unhappy?

What to do when you decide.

If you decide that you want to keep your crossdressing clothes, there are a few things you can do to make it easier to wear them when you’re feeling down:

  • Choose outfits that make you feel good about yourself. Put on something that makes you feel confident and beautiful.
  • Take some time to pamper yourself before you dress. Take a relaxing bath, put on some nice makeup, and do your hair.
  • Find a supportive community of crossdressers. There are many online like Femme Fever in Long Island NY and offline communities where you can connect with other crossdressers who share your experiences.

Remember, It’s Okay.

It’s also important to remember that depression is a treatable condition so if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your depression, please reach out for help. There are many resources available to you, including therapy, medication, and support groups.

Remember, you are not alone. Many crossdressers experience depression at some point in their lives. With the right support, you can get through this and find ways to enjoy your crossdressing lifestyle again.